El derecho de consumo es una rama del derecho que se encarga de proteger al consumidor, regulando las relaciones entre los consumidores y las empresas. Su objetivo es garantizar que las empresas cumplan con las leyes y regulaciones en la venta de bienes y servicios.
En España, el plazo de desistimiento en una compra online es de 14 días naturales desde la recepción del producto. Durante este tiempo, el consumidor puede devolver el producto sin necesidad de justificar su decisión y sin incurrir en ningún costo.
Según la ley española, el vendedor debe asumir los costos de devolución a menos que se haya informado al consumidor de que él tiene que asumir dichos costos antes de la compra.
En España, el vendedor es responsable de los defectos que presenta un producto en el momento de la entrega durante los primeros dos años. En el caso de productos de segunda mano, este período puede ser reducido a un año.
Una cláusula abusiva es aquella que causa un desequilibrio importante en los derechos y obligaciones de las partes a favor del profesional y en detrimento del consumidor. Las cláusulas abusivas son nulas de pleno derecho y se consideran no puestas.
Puedes presentar una reclamación por escrito al vendedor, detallando el problema y lo que esperas que haga para resolverlo. Si no obtienes una respuesta satisfactoria, puedes recurrir a la Oficina de Atención al Consumidor (OMIC) de tu localidad o a la Dirección General de Consumo de tu comunidad autónoma.
La garantía legal de los bienes de consumo es un derecho del consumidor que implica que el vendedor está obligado a entregar un bien que sea conforme con el contrato de compra. En caso de que el bien no sea conforme, el consumidor tiene derecho a que se repare o reemplace el bien, a una reducción del precio o a la resolución del contrato.
Si el comerciante no respeta la garantía legal, puede ser responsable de pagar una indemnización al consumidor. Además, puede ser sujeto a sanciones administrativas y, en algunos casos, penales.
Sí, las compras a distancia o fuera del establecimiento están especialmente protegidas por la ley. En estos casos, el consumidor tiene un derecho de desistimiento de 14 días naturales a partir de la recepción del producto o desde la celebración del contrato en el caso de servicios. Durante este tiempo, el consumidor puede devolver el producto o cancelar el contrato sin necesidad de justificación y sin incurrir en costes.
El arbitraje de consumo es un sistema extrajudicial de resolución de conflictos entre los consumidores y las empresas. Es un procedimiento sencillo, rápido y gratuito para el consumidor. Si una empresa está adherida al sistema arbitral de consumo y un consumidor tiene un conflicto con ella, puede presentar una solicitud de arbitraje. Un árbitro o un colegio arbitral decidirá sobre el conflicto y su decisión es vinculante para ambas partes.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.
Only States are eligible to appear before the Court in contentious cases. At present, this isbasically means the 192 United Nations Member States. The Court has no jurisdiction to deal with applications from individuals, non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. It cannot provide them with legal counselling or help them in their sedsw dealings with the authorities of any State whatever. non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity.non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity non-governmental organizations, corporations or any other private entity. .
However, a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter; the dispute then becomes one between States. a State may take up the case of one of its nationals and invoke against another State the wrongs which its national claims to have suffered at the hands of the latter.